Church AV Solutions to have faith in…

Installation Services for Church AV

Here at SAV we fully understand and appreciate that no two places of worship are the same and look to create something truly bespoke and unique for each and every congregation and site. We are able to provide cost-effective, professional, and scalable options to all places of worship as well as complimenting systems that might currently be in place.

We pride ourselves on being able to offer the best service, not only with the essential design and implementation of the installation but also with the ability to provide any training or future assistance that may be required.​

Interior of a church with a wooden pulpit, a crucifix, and a sign reading 'Spartan Audio Visual' hanging above.
A bishop wearing ornate vestments leads a church service in a large cathedral filled with seated congregation; altar in the background.


And some AV.

Office setup with computer monitor, laptop, keyboard, and server rack
Church interior with wooden podium, cross on wall, purple and yellow lighting

The types of Church AV we supply:

  • Projectors, Screens & Display Solutions

  • Microphones - Handheld, Headset, Lectern & Lapel

  • PA Systems

  • Auditorium Sound Systems

  • Lecterns 

  • Stage lighting

  • Architectural Lighting

  • Live Streaming Cameras for Multiple Platforms

  • Video Conferencing Systems

  • Equipment Training

  • Service & Maintenance Packages

Double drop AV Installation Projector Screen Grade Listed Church St. Mary's Almondsbury Spartan Audio Visual

Live Streaming for a Remote Congregation

Live streaming and video conferencing have become integral for many organisations and having a system in place allows those unable to attend in person to worship remotely has become a mainstay for many churches. Whether it is upgrading and updating what is currently in place or starting from the beginning with the whole Church AV system we are here to help.

Listen to Our Work with Church AV

We spent some time at St Alban on the Moors Parish Church, Splott, Cardiff to upgrade and improve the quality of their live streaming service. ​